Minggu, 23 November 2008

pulau sabang

Pulau kecil yang cantik ini berada di lepas pantai utara Banda Aceh. Kota Sabang terdapat di Pulau Weh atau sering juga disebut dengan Pulau Sabang yang memiliki beberapa lokasi pantai indah dihiasi dengan nyiur melambai.
Selain itu pulau ini memiliki lokasi penyelaman dan snorkeling yang menarik dan juga kawasan hutan terletak di bagian tengah pulau. Jalan lingkar pulau yang mulus telah dibangun di pulau ini sehingga memungkinkan wisatawan mengunjungi lokasi wisata alam dengan segala keindahan dan keunikannya.
Sebagian besar penduduk Pulau Weh yang berjumlah 24.000 jiwa tinggal di Kota Sabang yang merupakan kota terbesar di pulau ini. Di masa lalu, Sabang menjadi tempat persinggahan kapal-kapal besar dan merupakan depot batubara maupun sumber air bagi kapal uap yang melintasi kawasan ini, namun setelah munculnya mesin disel usai Perang Dunia ke-2 maka peranan batu bara sebagai sumber energi bagi kapal laut mulai ditinggalkan dan Sabang menjadi kota yang sepi.

Pada tahun 1970-an, pemerintah menetapkan Sabang sebagai salah satu pelabuhan bebas bea (free trade zone) di Indonesia dan hal ini sempat membuka kegiatan di Sabang menjadi marak kembali. Namun pada tahun 1986 status Sabang sebagai pelabuhan bebas bea dihapuskan dan kota ini kembali menjadi kota nelayan. Satu-satunya kegiatan ekonomi, selain penangkapan ikan (nelayan); yang terdapat di Pulau Weh adalah kerajinan perabotan dari rotan.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


Born in Pacitan, East Java, on September 9, 1949, to a lower-middle class family and is the son of Gatot Koco, an army officer, and Siti Habibah. Since he was a child, he always wanted to be in the army.[2] His first school was Sekolah Rakyat Gadjahmada (now is SDN Baleharjo I). Yudhoyono developed a reputation as an extremely talented student in addition to being an academic achiever, excelling in writing poems, short stories, and play-acting. Yudhoyono was also talented in music and sport, reflected when he and his friends established a volleyball club called "Klub Rajawali" and a band called "Gaya Teruna".[3] Music became a hobby for Yudhoyono and he often sang one of his favorite songs, "Pelangi di Matamu" during his presidential campaign.[4]

When he was in 5th grade, Yudhoyono visited the National Military Academy (AMN) at Magelang. After seeing the soldiers training there and perhaps inspired by his own father's career, Yudhoyono became determined to join ABRI and become a soldier. Yudhoyono had originally wanted to get into the ABRI Academy (Akabri) after graduating from high school in 1968, however, he missed out because he did not register in time.[2]

Yudhoyono then became a lecture at the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) before entering the Teachers Education School in Malang, East Java. There, he was able to prepare everything for his next education at Akabri. Yudhoyono officially entered Akabri in 1970 after he passed the test which took place in Bandung, West Java.[2]
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (born September 9, 1949), is an Indonesian retired military general and the sixth President of Indonesia. Yudhoyono won the presidency in September 2004 in the second round of the Indonesian presidential election, in which he defeated incumbent President Megawati Sukarnoputri. He was sworn into office on October 20, 2004, together with Jusuf Kalla as Vice President.

Yudhoyono spent three years at Akabri (Academy of Indonesian Armed Forces) and became the Commander of the Cadet Corps Division there. He graduated from Akabri in 1973, and as the best graduate of the year, received the prestigious Adhi Makayasa Medal from President Suharto.

After graduating, Yudhoyono joined Kostrad and became a platoon Commander in the 330 Airborne Battalion. Aside from leading his troops, Yudhoyono also received the task of giving the Battalion soldiers lessons on general knowledge and English. Yudhoyono's proficiency in English was one of the reasons why he was sent to the United States to undertake the Airborne and Ranger Course at Fort Benning in 1975.

Yudhoyono returned to Indonesia in 1976 where he became a platoon Commander in the 305 Battalion and assigned to East Timor. Yudhoyono had several tours of duty there since and, like many other Indonesian officers involved in the occupation of East Timor, was accused of committing war crimes. However, Yudhoyono has never been charged with any specific act. From East Timor, Yudhoyono became a Mortar platoon commander (1977), an Operations Officer for an Airborne Brigade (1977-1978), and Battalion Commander (1979-1981) at Kostrad. Yudhoyono then spent 1981 and 1982 working at the Army Headquarters.

Whilst working at the Army Headquarters, Yudhoyono was sent to the United States again, this time to participate in the Infantry Officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning and in the On The Job Training with the 82nd Airborne Division. Yudhoyono also spent time at Panama and went through the jungle warfare school. When Yudhoyono returned in 1983, he was made Commander of the Infantry Trainers' School. It was not long before he was abroad again this time to Belgium and West Germany to undertake the Antitank weapons Course. In 1985, Yudhoyono also took a Battalion Commando Course in Malaysia.

From 1986-1988, Yudhoyono served at KODAM IX/Udayana which looked after the security of Bali and the smaller Sunda Islands. Yudhoyono was Battalion Commander from 1986-1988 and was part of the Operational Staff in 1988. In 1989, Yudhoyono became a lecturer at the Army Staff College (Seskoad) and delivered a presentation entitled "ABRI's Professionalism at the Present and in the Future". Together with Agus Wirahadikusumah, Yudhoyono published a book entitled "The Challenges of Development". As a lecturer, Yudhoyono also began to experiment with the concept of democracy.

Whilst at Seskoad, Yudhoyono also took the opportunity to further his own military education. He went to the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. While at the United States, he also took the opportunity to get an MA in business management from Webster University in 1991.

In 1992, Yudhoyono was transferred to the Army Information Department and worked as a speech writer for General Edi Sudrajat, the Army Chief of Staff. In 1993, when Edi became ABRI Commander, Yudhoyono became the Coordinator Edi's personal staff. Edi did not last long as ABRI Commander and Yudhoyono was then transferred back to Kostrad where he became a Brigade Commander. A year later, Yudhoyono was the Operations Assistant at KODAM Jaya before becoming a Military Resort Commander (KOREM) at KODAM IV/Diponegoro in Central Java.

Yudhoyono had one more stint overseas when he became Indonesia's Chief Military Observer of United Nation Peacekeeping Force in Bosnia in 1995-96.

When Yudhoyono returned to Indonesia, he was made KODAM Jaya Chief of Staff before being appointed as KODAM II/Sriwijaya Commander. In this position, Yudhoyono was responsible for the security of the southern provinces of Sumatra. He served in this position until 1997, when he was appointed Chief of Staff for Social Political Affairs. At the same time, he was also appointed Chairman of the ABRI Faction at the 1998 People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) General Session and participated in Suharto's election to a 7th term as President.

During the days which would lead to Suharto's fall in May, Yudhoyono and pro-reform ABRI officers conducted meetings and discussions with Nurcholish Madjid, a secular pro-reform Muslim leader. From his discussions, Yudhoyono accepted to the fact that Suharto should resign but like the ABRI officers who went to the meeting with him, was reluctant to withdraw their support of Suharto publicly much less ask for Suharto's resignation.[5] Nevertheless the pressure would eventually become too much for Suharto, who resigned on 21 May 1998.

As Indonesia entered the reform period, ABRI's popularity, because of its association with Suharto, was at an all time low. Nevertheless, ABRI undertook reform much like all the other aspects of Indonesian society. To de-emphasize ABRI's political role, Yudhoyono's Chief of Staff for Social Political Affairs was renamed Chief of Staff for Territorial Affairs and in 1999, ABRI would be separated into TNI and the Republic of Indonesia Police (Polri). At this time, Yudhoyono's popularity began to increase as he offered ideas and concepts to reform the military and nation. He did this by combining the strong reformist sentiment of the time with TNI's concern for security and stability.[5] Yudhoyono then became known in the media as "The Thinking General".

Selasa, 09 September 2008

Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat

Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat merupakan perwakilan tipe ekosistem hutan hujan dataran rendah sampai ekosistem sub-alpin serta beberapa ekosistem yang khas antara lain rawa gambut, rawa air tawar dan danau.

Hutan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat memiliki 4.000 jenis tumbuhan yang didominasi oleh famili Dipterocarpaceae. Tumbuhan yang langka dan endemik seperti pinus kerinci (Pinus merkusii strain Kerinci), kayu pacat (Harpulia alborea), bunga raflesia (Rafflesia arnoldi dan R. hasseltii), dan bunga bangkai (Amorphophallus titanum dan A. decus-silvae).

Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat memiliki 37 jenis mamalia, 10 jenis reptilia, 6 jenis amfibia, 8 jenis primata dan 139 jenis burung.

Potensi lainnya yang menarik perhatian pengunjung di taman nasional ini, seperti pengamatan suara burung rangkong (Buceros rhinoceros sumatranus) dan julang (Aceros undulatus undulatus) serta suara tawa histeri yang menakjubkan dari burung gading (Rhinoplax vigil); adanya kucing emas (Catopuma temminckii temminckii) yang sangat misterius; serta adanya misteri yang belum terpecahkan tentang sejenis satwa primata yang berjalan tegak dan cepat sekali menghilang diantara pohon, dimana masyarakat setempat menamakannya “orang pendek”.

Danau Gunung Tujuh

Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat telah dijadikan program pembangunan dan konservasi terpadu (Integrated Conservation Development Program – ICDP).

Beberapa lokasi/obyek yang menarik untuk dikunjungi:
Gunung Kerinci. Mendaki gunung dan berkemah. Gunung Kerinci (3.805 m. dpl) merupakan gunung berapi tertinggi di Indonesia dan masih aktif.
Danau Gunung Tujuh. Melihat panorama danau, dan pengamatan satwa. Danau Gunung Tujuh merupakan danau vulkanik yang tertinggi di Sumatera (2.000 m. dpl) seluas 1.000 ha yang dikelilingi oleh tujuh buah gunung.
Goa Napal Licin dan Kasah. Melihat kompleks goa yang kaya akan stalaktit dan stalaknit
Grao Solar, Nguak dan Kunyit. Melihat semburan air panas (airnya sangat jernih) setinggi 15 meter dan pengamatan satwa.
Letter W. Melihat bunga raflesia dan bunga bangkai, serta kelinci Sumatera.
Rawa Ladeh Panjang. Penelitian dan pengamatan satwa.

Wisata budaya. Melihat budaya Suku Kubu yang masih tradisional.

Atraksi budaya di luar taman nasional:Parade Budaya pada bulan November di Sungai Penuh, Budaya Melayu pada bulan Januari di Jambi, dan Festival Tabot pada bulan Juni di Bengkulu.

Musim kunjungan terbaik: bulan Januari s/d Oktober setiap tahunnya.

Cara pencapaian lokasi :
Dari Padang-Tapan-Sungai Penuh berjarak 278 km (7-8 jam) dengan mobil, Padang-Muaralabuh-Kersik Tuo, 211 km (5-6 jam) dengan mobil, Jambi-Sarko-Sungai Penuh, 500 km (9-10 jam) dengan mobil dan Bengkulu-Tapan-Sungai Penuh, 417 km (8-9 jam) dengan mobil.

Taman Nasional Siberut

Pulau Siberut terletak di lepas pantai Sumatera Barat yang dipisahkan oleh Selat Mentawai dan berjarak kurang lebih 155 km dari kota Padang. Taman Nasional Siberut yang terletak di pulau tersebut, seluas 60% kawasan ditutupi oleh hutan primer Dipterocarpaceae, hutan primer campuran, rawa, hutan pantai, dan hutan mangrove.

Hutan di taman nasional ini relatif masih alami dengan banyaknya pohon-pohon besar dengan tinggi rata-rata 60 meter.

Taman Nasional Siberut memiliki 4 jenis satwa primata yang tidak ditemukan pada daerah-daerah lainnya di dunia (endemik) yaitu bokkoi (Macaca pagensis), lutung mentawai/joja (Presbytis potenziani siberu), bilou (Hylobates klossii), dan simakobu (Nasalis concolor siberu). Selain itu, terdapat 4 jenis bajing yang endemik, 17 jenis satwa mamalia dan 130 jenis burung (4 jenis endemik).

Pulau Siberut termasuk Taman Nasional Siberut adalah salah satu Cagar Biosfir yang ditetapkan UNESCO dalam Program Man and the Biosphere (MAB).

Perjalanan ke dalam kawasan taman nasional belum banyak dilakukan oleh pengunjung dan selama ini obyek utama bagi pengunjung ke Pulau Siberut hanya untuk melihat budaya masyarakat Mentawai yang berada di dalam dan sekitar taman nasional. Dalam banyak hal, masyarakat Mentawai merupakan suku bangsa di Indonesia yang masih sangat tradisional dan sebagian besar menganut kepercayaan animisme. Kegiatan sosialnya dipusatkan di sekitar UMA, yaitu suatu rumah bersama yang berukuran panjang dan dihuni oleh 30 - 80 orang.

Ibu dan Anak suku Mentawai
Kunjungan ke Taman Nasional Siberut merupakan kombinasi perjalanan mulai dari berperahu, mendayung, berjalan kaki di jalur berlumpur, menikmati keindahan alam hutan tropika termasuk pengamatan tumbuhan/satwa, mandi di air terjun dan mengamati langsung masyarakat asli. Perjalanan tersebut merupakan petualangan yang tidak terlupakan. Perjalanan ke Pulau Siberut, biasanya diatur oleh biro-biro perjalanan dari Padang maupun Bukit Tinggi termasuk fasilitas pemandu wisata.

Beberapa lokasi/obyek yang menarik untuk dikunjungi:

Madobak, Rokdok, Matotonan, Rorogot, Butui, Teteburuk, Selaoinan dan Mailepet : Menjelajahi hutan, menyelusuri sungai, sumber air panas, air terjun, wisata bahari, pengamatan satwa dan tumbuhan serta wisata budaya (rumah Uma dan tarian religius).
Pantai Sagulubek dan Pantai Masilok. Olahraga berselancar dan menyelam/snorkeling di taman laut/hutan bakau.

Atraksi budaya di luar taman nasional: Festival Gandang Tasa pada bulan Mei, dan Festival Tabuik pada bulan Juni di Padang.

Musim kunjungan terbaik: bulan Januari s/d September setiap tahunnya.

Cara pencapaian lokasi : dari Padang (Muara Padang) ke Muara Siberut/Muara Sikabaluan/Muara Saibi dengan menggunakan kapal laut (3 kali seminggu) pada malam hari, ± 10 jam.

Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser merupakan perwakilan tipe ekosistem hutan pantai, dan hutan hujan tropika dataran rendah sampai pegunungan.

Hampir seluruh kawasan ditutupi oleh lebatnya hutan Dipterocarpaceae dengan beberapa sungai dan air terjun. Terdapat tumbuhan langka dan khas yaitu daun payung raksasa (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons), bunga raflesia (Rafflesia atjehensis dan R. micropylora) serta Rhizanthes zippelnii yang merupakan bunga terbesar dengan diameter 1,5 meter. Selain itu, terdapat tumbuhan yang unik yaitu ara atau tumbuhan pencekik.

Satwa langka dan dilindungi yang terdapat di taman nasional antara lain mawas/orangutan (Pongo abelii), siamang (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), gajah Sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus), badak Sumatera (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), harimau Sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae), kambing hutan (Capricornis sumatraensis), rangkong (Buceros bicornis), rusa sambar (Cervus unicolor), dan kucing hutan (Prionailurus bengalensis sumatrana).

Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser merupakan salah satu yang ditetapkan oleh UNESCO sebagai Cagar Biosfir. Berdasarkan kerjasama Indonesia-Malaysia, juga ditetapkan sebagai “Sister Park” dengan Taman Negara National Park di Malaysia.

Beberapa lokasi/obyek yang menarik untuk dikunjungi:

Gurah. Melihat dan menikmati panorama alam, lembah, sumber air panas, danau, air terjun, pengamatan satwa dan tumbuhan seperti bunga raflesia, orangutan, burung, ular dan kupu-kupu.
Bohorok. Tempat kegiatan rehabilitasi orangutan dan wisata alam berupa panorama sungai, bumi perkemahan dan pengamatan burung.
Kluet. Bersampan di sungai dan danau, trekking pada hutan pantai dan wisata goa. Daerah ini merupakan habitat harimau Sumatera.
Sekundur. Berkemah, wisata goa dan pengamatan satwa.
Ketambe dan Suak Belimbing. Penelitian primata dan satwa lain yang dilengkapi rumah peneliti dan perpustakaan.
Gunung Leuser (3.404 m. dpl) dan Gn. Kemiri (3.314 m. dpl). Memanjat dan mendaki gunung.
Arung jeram di Sungai Alas. Kegiatan arung jeram dari Gurah-Muara Situlen-Gelombang selama tiga hari.

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)

Atraksi budaya di luar taman nasional yaitu Festival Danau Toba pada bulan Juni di Danau Toba dan Festival Budaya Melayu pada bulan Juli di Medan.

Musim kunjungan terbaik : bulan Juni s/d Oktober setiap tahunnya.

Cara pencapaian lokasi: Medan-Kutacane berjarak ± 240 km atau 8 jam dengan mobil, Kutacane-Gurah/Ketambe berjarak ± 35 km atau 30 menit dengan mobil, Medan-Bohorok/Bukit Lawang berjarak ± 60 km atau 1 jam dengan mobil, Medan-Sei Betung/Sekundur berjarak ± 150 km atau 2 jam dengan mobil, Medan-Tapaktuan berjarak ± 260 km atau 10 jam dengan mobil.

introduction, Sumatra Island


At the northwestern end of Sumatra, was the first province of Indonesia to have significant contact with the outside world. Chinese chronicles of the sixth century speak of a kingdom called Po-Li on the northern tip of what is now Sumatra. 9th century Arabic and Indian writings mention Aceh as an important trade centre. The first Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia was established in 804 in Aceh, and the region's position as an Islamic stronghold grew as the city became a centre for Islamic learning and the gateway for Indonesians making the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Over the centuries, a constant influx of traders and immigrants established Aceh as a wealthy and influential trading nation, possessing a strong sense of independence. Aceh's dominance in trade and politics reached its peak in the early 1600's. Aceh's decline began with the death of Sultan Iskandar Thani in 1641, when the British and the Dutch began to battle for control of the region. The London Treaty of 1824 gave the Dutch control of all British possessions in Sumatra, in return for their withdrawal from India and Singapore.

The Acehnese are famous throughout Indonesia for their courage and fierce sense of Independence, and the Dutch lost over 10,000 men during the Aceh Wars, which lasted from 1873 to 1942. Although industrialization and global communications have created a greater openness to western ideas and practices, visitors should keep in mind that the Acehnese take their religion, their manners and their morals very seriously.
Aceh after Tsunami Disaster

North Sumatra

Indonesia's most populous province outside of java, stretches from the Indian Ocean in the west to the Straits of Malaka in the East, and from Aceh in the north to west Sumatra in the south. It is thick with virgin rainforest, jungle-covered hills, terraced rice field, mountain rivers, beautiful waterfalls, volcanic lakes and peaceful white beaches.The people of the region can be divided into five main ethnic groups: the Coastal Malays, Living along the Malacca Straits, the Bataks, consisting of the sub-tribes around Lake Toba and Samosir Island, the Pesisirs along the Indian Ocean coast, the Mandailing of Southern Tapanuli, and Nias Islanders off the western coast of the province. These groups each have their own dialects, religious beliefs, arts, customs and cultures. Several ethnic groups live in Medan and other towns of North Sumatra, the largest of these being Chinese and Indian. Other parts of the archipelago are represented, notably the Acehnese, Minangkabau and Javanese.The diversity of arts and cultures make this region a treasure chest for social scientists and culture seekers. Ancient carved-stone graves of Batak kings, the megalithic culture of Nias, unique dances, ceremonies, arts and crafts are just waiting for you to discover.

North Sumatra is also one of the richest provinces in Indonesia for flora and fauna. And of course the jewel of North Sumatra, Lake Toba, the legendary birthplace of the mountain-dwelling Bataks and the largest island lake in Southeast Asia.
The region also produces more than 30% of Indonesia's export commodities, making it a vital cog in the Indonesian economy. Tobacco, palm oil, tea and rubber are produced in large quantities, particularly around Medan in the north of the province.

West Sumatra

West Sumatra is composed of three regions: volcanic highlands, a long coastal plain and a series of jungle-covered islands just offshore. Much of the province is still wilderness; virgin jungle inhabited by elephants, leopards and rhinos. It is the traditional homeland of the Minangkabau, who are known far and wide through the archipelago for their shrewd business sense, their fiery-hot dishes and ancient matriarchal customs. The women own property and the men leave home to seek their fame and fortune. Travelling is considered a mark of success and West Sumatrans and their Minang or Padang restaurants are found in all major towns across the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent, with a poetic style of speech. West Sumatran days are filled with colourful ceremonies and festivals. Legend has it the Minangkabau are descendants of the youngest son of Alexander the Great, King Maharajo Dirajo. West Sumatra's centre of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi, nestled in the highlands north of the provincial capital of Padding.

Surrounded by high mountains, picturesque valleys and lakes, Bukittinggi is considered by many tourists to be the most hospitable city in all Sumatra. Padang Tabing Airport is the main gateway to West Sumatra and serviced by local airlines. The MV. Kerens sails every two weeks for Jakarta from Teluk Bayur harbor. Smaller vessels from Muara harbor sail to small towns along the entire west coast of Sumatra. Regular bus services run between Padang Bukittinggi and other major cities of Sumatra, as well as via trans-Sumatra Highway to Jakarta.

Riau Archipelago

The 3,000 islands of the Riau province straddle the Straits of Malacca, one of the oldest and busiest trading routes in the world. For centuries the islands have provided a safe haven to traders and sailors from Europe, India and China, retaining today the flavour of an ancient 'crossroads of the world". The romantic history of this region is rich with tales of piracy and international conflict. Riau, which includes a large part of East Sumatra, is homeland to the Malays and the source of Indonesia's Malay-based national language. The first book of Malay grammar, called Bustanul Katibin, was written and published here in 1857.

Since its founding in 1402 by Parameswara, the Kingdom of Malacca played a leading role in the history of the area. With the arrival of the Portuguese a period of wars for control of the Straits began. The situation was aggravated by the arrival of the Dutch and British in the early 17th century.A turbulent conflict followed, which was partially resolved by the Treaty of London in 1824, giving the Dutch control of all European territories south of Singapore. This area included Riau, and effectively severed its links with Johor and the mainland.


The Dutch subjugated and dissolved the rebellious Riau Sultanate in 1911, but the province's influence remained strong. Pekanbaru in Sumatra became the provincial capital in 1959, taking over from the former capital of Tanjungpinang on the island of Bintan. Tanjungpinang is, however, still the most important town in the province. Its proximity to Singapore has made it a main business and shopping port and together with the nearby island of Batam, it is promising to became an area of major investment and development in the years ahead. The future looks bright for Riau; because of it is strategic position with the rest of Asia it is rapidly being developing as a major economic zone.


The Province of Jambi, located on the east coast of Central Sumatra, faces the Strait of Malaka and shares borders with four other provinces in Sumatra. It has long been a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants of Jambi were of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient Jambi kingdom of Melayu maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq. km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors. Jambi is one of Indonesia's 27 Provinces. Geographically, Jambi Province is located between 0,450 south latitude, and between 101.100 and 105.550 Eastern longitude. Its total area is 53 436.52 square kilometers and it is bordered by the Berhala Starit, South Sumatra Province to the South, West Sumatra Province to the West and Riau Province to the North. Jambi Province is divided into 5 Regencies and one Municipality. These are batang hari with an area of 11 130.5 sq.km, Bungo Tebo (13500 sq.km), Surolangin Bangko (14200 sq.km) and the Jambi Municipality with an area of 306 square kilometers.


Bengkulu's history is been a difficult one, filled with changing colonial rulers, internal Sumatran wars, disease and exploitation of the indigenous peoples. It was the site of Sir Stamford Raffles first entry into Indonesia and there are still remains of British influence in the area. The primary crops of the area are pepper, coffee, nutmeg and sugar cane. Bengkulu Provinces is easily accessible by land, air and sea transportation. You can catch regular buses direct from Medan, Padang or Jakarta. Flights arrive three times a day. Domestic ships from Jakarta, Padang and Medan stop over in Baai harbor, Bengkulu.

South Sumatra

One of the greatest kingdoms in Indonesian history, the Buddhist Empire of Sriwijaya, prospered along the banks of the Musi River in South Sumatra over a thousand years ago. Located on the southern-most rim of the South China Sea, close to one of the world's busiest shipping lanes linking the Far East with Europe, the region's historical background is rich and colorful.

The Sriwijaya kingdom practiced a bustling and lucrative trade with ancient China during its era of powerful dynasties. In 672 the Chinese-scholar, I Tsing, recorded that a thousand monks and scholars could be seen translating and studying Sanskrit in what is now the regional capital of Palembang. Few relics of this memorable era remain.

Stretching from the foothills of the mighty Bukit Barisan mountain range in West Sumatra to the islands of Bangka and Belitung in the East, the province of South Sumatra is relatively flat but very fertile, with numerous rivers cutting across the landscape and meandering their way to the sea. Coffee and tea plantations are scattered across the province, but the area's enormous wealth comes from oil, natural gas, coal, tin and quartz reserves.

Palembang is still the gateway to the province with one of the region's three major airports. The other two are on Bangka and Belitung islands. All three provide direct connections with Medan, Batam, Padang and Jakarta. Air-conditioned buses from points north and west of Palembang are also regularly available, as well as from major cities in Java and Bali.

The Province of Jambi, located on the east coast of Central Sumatra, faces the Strait of Malaka and shares borders with four other provinces in Sumatra. It has long been a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants of Jambi were of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient Jambi kingdom of Melayu maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq. km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors.

Bangka Belitung

Belonging to this province are two sizable islands, Bangka and Belitung, off Sumatra's east coast. Both Bangka and Belitung are known for the hospitality of their people and for their appetizing seafoods. They are also important producers of tin.


Ancient Chinese travel chronicles refer to a place in the most southerly part of Sumatra called "Lampung" or "Place of the southerly winds". Megalithic sculptures discovered in Kebontebu, Kenali, Pugung and Batubedil also help to date the province to Indonesia's greatest maritime empire, Sriwijaya. Strategically located looking towards Krakatau and Java across the Sunda Strait, Lampung has a long history of trade and is still an important gateway into Sumatra, particularly from Jakarta.

The Province is generally flat with the highest mountains of Gunung pesagi, Tanggamas, Seminiung, Sekincau and Raya all being dormant volcanoes. Pundar Lampung, the Provincial capital, was formerly two separate towns, Tanjungkarang and the port of Teluk Betung, which after the infamous eruption of Krakatau were both completely covered in volcanic ash. In the course of development, however, these towns have merged together to become one single city. Being blessed with incredibly fertile soil, agriculture has naturally become the main industry of the province. Clove, coffee, cassava, cocoa and rice are preferred in the eastern sections of the regions. The area around Lake Ranu is primarily a tobacco growing area.

The Way Kambas Nature Reserve in the west of the province is a perfect place to see Sumatran elephants being trained to work in thick tropical jungles as well as hundreds of species of exotic birds. Tigers still roam this land although they are rare. The largest flower in the world, Rafflesia, can be seen at the Bukit Barisan Selatan National park.